Educational Opportunities
As God's children, we celebrate opportunities to explore, discover, and grow closer to Him! At FPCLY, we offer a wide variety of experiences for children, youth, and adults to help you see, feel, learn, and deepen your connection to Him!
Spark Sunday celebrates the launch of a new program year involving the life and ministries of First Presbyterian Church. From the core of our covenant relationship with God and one another, opportunities to learn and live through worship, education, outreach, and a variety of office/admin support ministries, are available for all to connect and engage with all God is doing in this time and place.
It starts with worship on September 8th followed by plenty of fellowship AND the start of Sunday School classes for all! Your invitation to learn and grow in a class starts on the 8th, but continues throughout the fall!
Spiritual Growth @ FPCLY
Spiritual Growth Resource Page
Our Spiritual Growth Committee honors the mission statement of “celebrating God’s grace and inspiring the next generation for Christ” and works together, meeting monthly to ensure our opportunities, events, and goals align truly to “celebrate” and “inspire.”
To find out more about Spiritual Growth opportunities at FPCLY or to get involved in teaching, planning, or implementing, please contact Marcia Thom-Kaley (Director of Educational Ministries)