
We are all called into the church of Jesus Christ by baptism, and marked as Christ’s own by the Holy Spirit.  This is our common calling, to be disciples and servants of our servant Lord.  Within the community of the church, some are called to particular service as ruling elders on the Session.  Ordination is Christ’s gift to the church, assuring that his ministry continues among us.  Through ordination, God provides for acts of care and compassion in the world, for the ordering and governance of the church, for the preaching of the Word and celebration of the sacraments. 

a group of people in front of a church laying their hands on two men who are kneeling as part of a Session ordination and installation service

Current Session Members

Click on any of the class years below to see who is serving!


Elder Name  Initiative (Committee support)
Becky Giles Education
Elsie Howerton Education
Gary Williams Outreach (Service & Outreach) and Executive


Elder Name  Initiative (Committee support)
Nancy Strosnider Finance (Planned Giving)
Denise McDonald Outreach
Mary Ann Tate Resources (Personnel) and Executive


Elder Name  Initiative (Committee support)
Marilyn Hartman Outreach (Care & Nurture), Westminster Canterbury Representative
Sam Howe Outreach (Service & Outreach)
Martin Knight Resources (Facilities)
John Osinga Worship
Kathryn Overstreet Education, Weekday School Board Representative


Elder Name  Initiative (Committee support)
David Cheatham  
Caskie Giles  
Bucky Neal  

Our Mission

Celebrating God’s grace, Inspiring the next generation for Christ… each and every day!!!

Contact Us

1215 V.E.S. Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503

Phone: (434) 384-6231


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