Our Ministries
No matter your age or level of faith, we invite and encourage you to get involved! Our goal for all of our ministries is to build up a thriving and Christ-centered community of faith.
Program Ministries
Worship and Music
Worshipping and glorifying God is at the core of who the church is. Our goal as a ministry is to assist in all the logistics needed for worship experiences (both regular and special services), weddings, funerals, administration of the Sacraments, pulpit supply, ministry of music, greeting of the congregation, and ushering and offering during worship services.
Congregational Life
We love any opportunity to connect and build relationships with one another. Whether a potluck fellowship night, a cookie and lemonade to catch up with friends after worship, a hearty breakfast, a Trunk or Treat Halloween extravaganza, or a special program and dinner, there is a place for you to build community with others.
Service and Outreach
To be God’s witnesses at home and abroad.
To be a ministry of compassion, outreach, and service to our community, our nation, and our world by identifying needs and providing opportunities for church members to utilize their skills, energy, time, and financial resources to respond to Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations."
Care and Nurture
We are here to love others and be a presence; to offer a hand, or a ride, or a meal to those in need; to be a welcoming face to all visitors; and to encourage those who wish to join to do so.
Spiritual Growth
Faith is a journey that is nurtured in all stages of life, so our goal is to help encourage and foster a learning environment for all to grow in their relationship with Christ as a part of a community of faith. We strive to offer educational programs, activities and study groups for all ages (0- 100) in which the people of the church can learn of God's revelation in Jesus Christ and are led to respond in Christian love, faith, and commitment.
Ministries of Support:
To promote the church, its values, and programs by disseminating information to members, friends, and the larger community through external communications to the public (e.g., the Internet, website, e-mail, social media, newspaper, radio, flyers, brochures) and internal communication within the church and to its congregation promoting church events and activities (e.g., First Press, weekly news announcements, the website, e-mail to members, etc.).
To maintain all areas of the church (building, grounds, and property) in a condition suitable for use by the congregation, staff, and visitors by periodic evaluation of their condition, establishment of maintenance and repair programs, and implementation of all modifications, repairs and/or replacement of any part of the church grounds, facilities, and/or property.
To maintain general oversight of the budget, finances, and investments of the church by implementing a yearly budget, monitoring church investments and finances, and recommending budgetary and financial decisions to the Session for approval.
To assist the Session in providing a healthy work environment for all paid staff at First Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, in any position, to see that they are treated fairly in all respects including church, presbytery and P.C.(U.S.A.) policies, and applicable workplace laws.
Covenant Giving
To plan and implement campaigns, programs, and on-going activities to inform, educate, and inspire the congregation to respond gratefully to what God has done in our lives and of the value and importance of each member’s contributions of time, talents, and financial resources to the building up and sustaining of the church as the body of Christ. Learn More…