Music at First Presbyterian
Music has been a fundamental part of Christian worship since the first church communities were established. Its contribution to worship inspires our spirituality and sets a proper tone of joy and reverence within each worshiper. The mission of the music program at FPCLY is to praise God through a wide variety of musical opportunities available to all who wish to participate.
We have singing and bell ringing programs for adults and children. Both of which continue to contribute to First Presbyterian’s rich history of choral and bell ensembles.
The music program at First Presbyterian Church is a vibrant and growing ministry that we invite all to participate in regardless of age or level of musical training. To learn more about our music program or to jump right in and sing or ring with us, please contact our Director of Music and Organist, Cory Whittier.
Adult Music Opportunities
Chancel Choir...come sing with us!
The Chancel choir provides weekly music for worship services and presents a number of concerts each year. The Chancel choir includes all adults and youth who love to sing!
The Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:15-9:00 p.m. and Sunday mornings from 8:45am to 9:10am September through May.
All are welcome to join this active ensemble! No audition is necessary!

Chancel Ringers...come ring with us!
The Chancel Ringers is our bell choir that provides music in worship services throughout the year. Minimal musical experience is required and we will work with you to try to improve your musical abilities! The skill of bell ringing is one anyone interested can achieve and enjoy.
The ringers meet to rehearse on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:15, September through May.

Music Opportunities for Children
We know that music and movement are effective ways for children to grow and learn in all facets of life. We offer our children opportunities to learn songs and motions during our Sunday School classes each week. The kids spend a few weeks learning and practicing songs before sharing their gifts with the faith community at worship!

The Sanctuary Organ

Builder: Foley-Baker, 2022
Since the fall of 2023, First Presbyterian has been blessed with a new, large pipe organ, built by the Foley-Baker company of Tolland, CT. This organ serves the congregation through its beautiful tones, high quality and lasting construction, and provides musical accompaniment for countless areas of worship. The organ itself contains 3,392 pipes, 58 ranks (sets of pipes), and 46 stops (voices). The console is powered by state-of-the-art technology through Syndyne. Specifically it allows for recording and playback, 100 internal memory levels with additional memory levels via USB, transposer, sequencer, pedal divide, manual transfer, and customizable crescendo.
While some of the original pipework was maintained from the original Möller organ, most of the pipes and all mechanical aspects of the organ are new. The organ was designed with the future in mind. Steps were taken to ensure the organ is easily accessed for maintenance and great care was taken to maintain the aesthetic of the sanctuary.
For a detailed stop list, click here.
The completion, in 2023, of this 3-year project marked a special nod to the future of the church and its music ministry. The organ is utilized every week in worship for congregational singing, solo repertoire, and choral accompaniment. It is featured regularly in organ recitals by top and local artists and provides special beauty for weddings and memorial services. The living and breathing feeling of music it produces helps enhance and bring glory to God through all these many activities.
Psalm 95:1
“O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!”