Youth Ministries
Middle School
Middle School Youth Ministry: we seek to strengthen relationships, build community, and have fun as we remind youth they are a child of God - chosen and loved deeply and fiercely. We incorporate Bible study, service activities, food, and community building experiences into Sunday School and Youth Group.
Middle School Youth
6th - 8th graders
Sundays, 9:30 am
Room 2 - Ground Floor
Led by Becky Giles
Middle School Youth Group
MS Youth Group, aka Meeting in the Middle, is gearing back up on Sunday, January 19th @ 5 pm. Our plan for the rest of the winter and spring will be to meet every other week. Each time we come together, we will focus on a nugget of faith that will inspire and equip you during this adventurous time of your life. Explore, discover, and grow with others who are looking to connect and engage more with God and others. Also, a homecooked dinner is included. You are welcome! Friends are welcome!
High School
High School Ministry: we strive to reinforce a “safe space” for questions, doubt, wrestling, celebration, and curiosity; inviting anything going on outside the walls of church to be discussed and explored and shared within the church community.
High School FOR REAL!
9th - 12th graders
Sundays, 9:30 am, Room 117 (Officers' Room)
High School students will explore God's faith and love together through a guided study of Jana Riess' book Flunking Sainthood - A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray, and Still Loving My Neighbor. Through this memoir and shared discussions, the youth will embrace the lessons failure can teach and the simple truths given by our loving God - all surrounded by the encouraging love and nurture of one another and adult leaders.
Led by Barrett Thompson
High School Youth Group
HS Youth Group, aka For Real! In Action, is gearing back up on Sunday, January 19th @ 5 pm. Our plan for the rest of Winter and Spring will be to meet every other week. Each time we get together we will focus on a nugget of faith that will inspire and equip you for the adventurous time of life you are in. Come explore, discover, and grow with others looking to connect and engage more with God and others. Also, a homecooked dinner is included!!! You are welcome! Friends are welcome!
Ready to Connect?
We would LOVE youth in 6th through 12th grade to be at FPCLY Sunday mornings for a time of fun, laughter, and faith exploration. Our desire is to build an encouraging community to explore, grow, and learn together!